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We are proud to present the first book in our series on writing and publishing fiction for indie authors. Crafting Fiction Vol. 1: Hard-Boiled Outlines is designed to teach the aspiring author everything they need to know about creating compelling story outlines so you can finally finish your first draft.
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Finally, a book on outlining written for men who want to write fast-paced adventure stories! It even uses examples of stories that I’m familiar with instead of drawing comparisons from classical literature that I’ve never read. Two thumbs up! Hurry and release the next volume.

K. Hearst

…the best book on plot outlines I’ve ever read. I worked out the plot for my entire sci-fi series in three days! With Crafting Fiction, I even know how long it will take to finish the first draft. Wish I had this years ago.

James Blakely

The last book on plot outlines you’ll ever need! I had been struggling for months to organize my ideas for a novel into something solid. This helped me create a scene outline in a few hours and better yet, I was able to spot a HUGE hole in my story thanks to Hard-boiled outlines. I cannot wait for the next book in the series!

Stephanie Kennan

Volume 1 of Crafting Fiction will teach you how to:

  • Create a dynamic plot outline
  • Use story beats to move your characters from the inciting incident to the final battle
  • Build compelling character arcs
  • Keep readers turning pages late into the night
  • Add layers to your story
  • Discover plot holes before your readers do!
  • Use the three act structure to create the kind of story readers love
  • Everything you need to do write a thrilling novel

Forget everything you think you know about writing! The crew at Literary Rebel can teach you a simple step by step processes for outlining a story that will help you finish you first draft in weeks, instead of years. These are the same tried and true methods to outlining that the biggest names in the publishing business use to write books and sell millions. We have personally used this method to write novels that reach the top of the bestseller lists. You can too! Download your FREE copy today and get started.

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