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AI and fiction writing: separating myth from reality for authors. By now we’ve all heard that AI technology is going to take over the world. And let’s be honest, some of the things you hear can be a little… frightening. The idea of robot overlords is straight out of a sci-fi movie!


AI and fiction writing: separating myth from reality for authors

AI is here to stay. We can’t put the genie back in the bottle. But what about AI and fiction authors? Is it really going to replace us and make us obsolete? Let’s separate fact from fiction and see what’s really going on.

First of all, let’s clear up one big misconception: AI technology is not going to replace human writers. I know, I know, you’ve probably heard stories about robots writing news articles and screenplays, but the truth is, AI still has a long way to go before it can truly mimic the human touch in fiction writing.

What AI can do, however, is assist us with the research and fact-checking aspects of the writing process. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want a little help with that? AI can quickly and easily access information on any topic, without getting sidetracked by the endless rabbit holes of the internet.

AI can also generate new marketing ideas and help with social media, freeing up your mind to focus on what really matters: the creative process. And let’s be honest, you started writing because you love story-telling, not social media marketing.

The fear that we’re all going to lose our jobs to soulless robots who replace us, writing better and faster, is a little overblown.  AI technology is not here to replace us, but can help us in the business side of things. AI represents a titanic shift, no doubt about that, but I don’t think it’s world ending. In fact, I think it can be really helpful. Whenever a new technology comes along there are basically 3 responses: people who fear it, people who ignore it, and people who embrace it, learning to harness that new power. You need to be the latter. Grab hold of this technology early and see what it can do for you, because your competitors surely will. Some of them already are  using it.

My next few blog posts will be dedicated to all the ways AI can help us as fiction authors. New technology is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in fiction writing. Let’s see where this journey takes us!

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