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Literary Rebel Guide to Turkey City – Part 3

Turkey City Lexicon Part Three: Plots   Part Three of the Turkey City Lexicon focuses in on Plot. As our regular readers know, Literary Rebel is big on knowing where you are going before you get in the car, but there are a lot of would be authors out there who like to...

Larry Correia Loses Internet Flame War

Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter, engaged in a flame war on the interwebs today. Everything he said was true. In other news, we need more Monster Hunter !   For the thoroughly confused: This was in reply to a FB post.

Literary Rebel Guide to Turkey City – Part 2

Turkey City Lexicon Part Two   This is Part Two of the Turkey City Lexicon. This guide covers the worst of the fiction writing sins. It is a great place to start if you are trying to make your writing better. If you want to write a novel, and you don’t want...

Literary Rebel Guide to Turkey City – Part 1

Turkey City Lexicon The Literary Rebel Crew has been getting a lot of requests for reviews. So many in fact that we are all too busy either reading, writing, or releasing books to do any reviews over the last few weeks, but fear not, we’ll start posting our thoughts...

Does Your Story Have Concept?

Concept is a word that gets tossed around all the time at author conventions, college writing courses and in any book on craft you happen to pick up, but what is it exactly? For the purpose of this article, I want you to think of concept as the world in which your...

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