by William Miller | Apr 10, 2017 | Writing
Escaping Infinity by Paolinelli made it into the time travel books. This is a quick shout out to a great author who deserves praise, Richard Paolinelli. His book, Escaping Infinity broke into Amazon’s top 100 list. It’s a stellar achievement by...
by William Miller | Apr 5, 2017 | Writing
The battle between outlining and freestyling (I refuse to call it pantsing) will rage on long after I’ve shuffled off this mortal coil, but I offer free advice for those impressionable writers still on the fence. If you are just getting started, there are two basic...
by William Miller | Mar 7, 2017 | Writing
Help a Deserving Author Reach the Top! The crew at Literary Rebel is helping to get the word out about a new release in the alternate reality sci-fi genre. The book is Witchy Eye by D.J Butler. Fans of Literary Rebel might have already read some of D.J.’s work...
by William Miller | Feb 21, 2017 | Writing
Many authors have trouble finishing a book. They start working on one project only to get sidetracked by a new idea that they’re dying to write. So they shelve their current project and start on the new story clamoring to be written. If that’s you, don’t...
by William Miller | Feb 21, 2017 | Writing
If you’ve been writing for any amount of time, you have undoubtedly heard the phrase, ‘write what you know’. Creative writing teachers and websites like Writer’s Digest recite this with all the fervor of religious dogma. But is it realistic?...
by William Miller | Feb 20, 2017 | Writing
For most people, the biggest barrier to publication, is actually sitting down to write a book. Writing a book is hard work and it takes time. The vast majority of people who claim they want to be writers—they tell every one they meet about their awesome idea for a...
by William Miller | Feb 20, 2017 | Writing
The question of a plot outline is a hot button issue. There are two camps; one group will decry plot outlines as a device used by talentless hacks. They claim that outlines kill the spontaneity of good storytelling. The other group sees a plot outline as an...
by William Miller | Feb 20, 2017 | Writing
This was a hard one for me. I debated if I should post this or not. People ask me where I get my ideas and it’s a really hard question to answer. I’ve always got ideas rattling around inside my brain like marbles in a tin cup, clamoring for attention. The...
by William Miller | Feb 20, 2017 | Writing
The most important factor in getting published and finding success in writing is not talent, but discipline. The ability to make a daily habit of writing will do more to guarantee success than any amount of raw talent. There are many talented singers and musicians who...